Animal World For Kids is all about sharing the love for animals and learning more about who they are, how they think, how they feel, and some really cool facts!

Learning about animals helps children to understand, respect and empathise, creating a lifelong bond and love of all creatures great and small.

Animal World For Kids is all about sharing the love for animals and learning more about who they are, how they think, how they feel, and some really cool facts!

Learning about animals helps children to understand, respect and empathise, creating a lifelong bond and love of all creatures great and small.
News & Articles
Animals are just incredible and we love sharing some weird, wonderful and quirky information!
It never ceases to amaze us how diverse the animal kingdom is, but there is so much more to what you see or hear! And that is what we want to share!
Featured Products
Butterflies and Tears
Once upon a time, in the Amazon rainforest, a butterfly landed on a turtle's face.
Can Fish Smell?
Can Fish Smell? And if they do, why do they need to? After all, they…
We See Differently
Are Elephants Colourblind? Elephants have an awesome way of seeing the world! Yes, elephants are…
Ravens are smart. They team up with wolves.
Ravens are like the super smart geniuses of the bird world. But they aren’t hunting…
“Why Only The Girls Bite!”
It's only the ladies who have the hunger for your blood! What do they need…
Why does my dog eat its poop?
One frequently asked question posed to veterinarians and searched on Google is, "Why does my…
It’s just another acacia tree. Or is it?
It might look just like another tree on the Serengti plains, but when you look…
Poop eating is a common animal behaviour
Dining on poop is common if you are an animal. And sometimes it's poop from…
Can Birds Smell?
Birds don't have noses, but do they need one? Do you know one of the…